Rivera Belden y García Sánchez, S.C.
Guillermo Rivera Belden
Legal representation to foreign and national financial institutions and companies, mainly in the areas of banking and finance, securities, real estate, corporate, commerce, mining and foreign investments.
- Managing Partner of Rivera Belden y García Sánchez, S.C. (2008-)
Main Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Representation of some of the main clients of the firm, such as Metlife, Citibank, Citibanamex, Bancomext, Banorte, Hipotheken Frankfurt, GE Money, Hewlett-Packard Financial Services, the American British Cowdray Hospital, the Inter-American Investment Corporation, Thor Capital, Corporate Properties of the Americas, Finsa, E-Group, Grupo Inmobiliario Metta, Grupo Alhel, Intermex and Grupo Inmobiliario Ayusa.
- Coordination, as Managing Partner, of the administrative activities of the firm.
(iii) Participation as proprietary member to the Board of Directors of some of our clients, such as Hewlett-Packard Operations Mexico.
(iv) Participation as Secretary of the Financial Committee of the Accountants Mexican Institute (IMCP).
(v) Participation as member of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (AMCHAM).
- Partner of Jáuregui, Navarrete y Nader, S.C. (1997-2007)
Main Responsibilities and Achievements:
- Representation of some of the main clients of the firm, such as General Electric Capital Corporation, Bank of America, Dresdner Bank, Hewlett-Packard Financial Services, the American British Cowdray Hospital and the Inter-American Investment Corporation.
- Coordination of the real estate finance practice of the firm, representing, among other, General Electric Capital Corporation in more than 800 loans and restructure transactions.
- Representation of Dresdner Bank, in several public placements in Mexico.
- Creation of the corporate structure for Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Mexican Subsidiaries and preparation of guidelines and formats for their operation in Mexico.
(v) Participation as proprietary member to the Board of Directors of some of our clients, such as Metlife Mexico, Metlife Pensiones and Hewlett-Packard Operations Mexico.
(vi) Coordination of the firm relationship with the office in Los Angeles of Mayer Brown, LP (JNN principal correspondence law firm in the United States).
(vii) Participation as President in the committee of Real Estate Law at the National Association of Corporate Lawyers (ANADE).
- Associate of Jáuregui, Navarrete y Nader, S.C. (1994-1995) (1996-1997)
Main Responsibilities and Achievements:
(i) Creation and organization of the legal structure for General Electric Capital Corporation’s mortgage loan transactions in Mexico.
(ii) Representation of Bank of America and ABN Amro Bank in some restructuring transactions, securitizations and syndicate loans with GMM, Avantel, Iusacell and Ixe Banco, among others, and coordinate the preparation and legal opinions related to Mexican Law).
- Foreign Associate of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw (1995-1996)
Main Responsibilities and Achievements:
(i) Representation of Scotiabank in several loan transactions.
(ii) Representation of Bank of America in several synthetic lease transactions.
(iii) Coordination of due-diligence activities for the Purchase of CPS Auto Grantor´s automobile receivables.
- Associate of Martínez, Algaba, Estrella, De Haro y Galván-Duque, S.C. (1987-1994)
Main Responsibilities and Achievements:
(i) Coordination of the legal and regulatory activities for the transformation of the representative office of Citibank into a Mexican Bank.
(ii) Representation of Hoechst International in the Shareholders Meetings of Celanese Mexicana.
(iii) Representation of some of the clients of the firm, such as Citibank, the International Finance Corporation, Bancomer, Banca Serfín (currently Banco Santander) and DIMSA.
(iv) Creation of the intellectual property area of the firm.
- Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (1988)
- Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Orientation in the United States Legal System (1990)
Lecturer of Companies Legal Aspects and Negotiable Instruments and Credit Transactions at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (1990-1994).
Member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM).
- Recognition as the best lawyer in Mexico, in the assets management category, granted by the International Law Office of London and honored with the Client Choice Award 2012 grated by such organization.
- Recognition within the best 15 main real estate Mexican lawyers by the Who’s Who Legal magazine, Real Estate 2012 (sponsored by the “International Bar Association”).
- Several Conferences imparted to GECC business and legal teams as to the Mexican real estate market and legal framework.
- Several Conferences imparted to Bancomext business and legal teams as to the Mexican legal framework for FIBRAS and CKDs.
- Coordination as Mexican legal host firm of the IIC, of all legal activities and conferences, in the Annual Meeting of the World Bank held in the City of Cancun.
Spanish and English.